Thank God! I'm so freaking happy this year is almost over. 2009 brought a lot of bad crap and I can say its definitely one of my worst years EVER.
Christmas has come and gone. It had good times and bad and I'm not gonna lie and say its my worst Christmas ever but I definitely hope next year is better. So lets see... things I want in 2010.
1- To be happy and content. This one is definitely a stretch but I'm hoping some of our ducks fall into line or whatever the saying is.
2- To be FIT. I'm not talking about thin, although that is a bonus. Losing 27 (yay me) pounds this last year has helped me feel a lot better about myself physically but now I just feel flabby. Not toned at all. So I'm going to take up Yoga and maybe pilates to help tone those muscles!
3- A new job. I love my job. I dont just love my job, I LOVE my job. But I am SEVERELY underpaid. I'm not going to be actively hunting for a new job but I am going to be browsing around for something that pays better, unless I get a nice raise of course. So if anyone hears of an opening for an executive assistant please think of me! :)
4- To write more. I made a good start on this goal, this year, but next year I want to really pursue it. I have some good credit as a writer now. I have the most read article on our buying guides and it is also the most referred article. So not only are people reading it, they are sending it to their friends to read! That makes me so happy!
5-To take a vacation. A REAL vacation, possibly with an airplane. My cousin Jessica and I are planning a roadtrip for her Graduation present in June, so at the very least I have that! Tracy's brother is getting married in Mexico but unfortunately its during the middle of Finals and there is just no way we can go.
6- To try more new things. I did fairly well with this goal this year. I tried new foods that I'd never had including chocolate jalapeno potato chips and fresh figs. I was introduced to asparagus risotto and Manchego cheese (mmmmmmmm). I want to expand on this over the next year and try things that I've maybe written off already and are hesitant to try again. This does not include sushi however. I dont care how old I get I dont think I'll ever be ok with putting raw fish in my mouth. Gross.
7-To play with my girls more. Outside. I have issues with the outside. There are bugs, its hot, and I sunburn faster than anyone I know. So this year, I'm going to make being outside more of a priority.
8- Less computer. I feel like i'm on the internet 24 hours a day. If I'm not working I'm playing and while facebook and gmail are addicting, I really need to do something that doesnt involve me sitting on my butt.
Yeah I was gonna go for 10 things but apparently my 2009 complacency has caught up with me now and I'm going to get back to work!
I hope everyone has a fabulous new years!
Slow Start
1 week ago