So I was going to do some special post for my 200th post and I just couldn't ever think of anything exciting or fun so... screw it. I'll get around to a super special post one day but for today I'm blogging about something that actually happened TODAY! that never happens so enjoy.
So once a month, a bunch of us from high school try to get together. This never actually happens once a month, but we usually manage a few get-to-gethers a year.
This month, we met at Applebees at the Gateway. We ate yummy food and then wandered outside in the freezing cold. Ok not completely freezing cold, but close enough. We went to Barnes and Noble and then walked around Gateway taking pictures and laughing A LOT! It was tons of fun and we SOOO need to do it more!!
Here are a few of our pictures (don't kill me girls!)
Slow Start
1 week ago