I really, really enjoyed this race. As a new runner, I felt a little out of place and was definitely trailing almost everyone but this course was HARD! It starts out with a hill that is almost a mile long. The upside to the crazy hill at the beginning is that the rest is almost all down hill or flat. I speed walked up the hill and then tried to run the rest straight. I didnt quite do it but I did CRUISE down the hill. I didnt try to slow my momentum at all and just ran as fast as I could down the whole thing. It was pretty fun. I finished in 41.20, averaging 13.18 minute miles. It was 214th overall (just out of the women) and 23rd in my age group, which apparently is 20-24. GO figure! I was SUPER HAPPY with this time! It's not my best time but this course was harder than anything I've trained on and I felt good at the end! My form must be improving because while my legs are tired, they aren't super sore.
Tracy's first 5k!
Me and Dusty, before the race.
All 3 of us before. Our original group was 7 people. But it ended up just being us 3!
one last before pic
About 10 minutes after the end of the race. We had a bet to see who's face would be more red. I think I won, but Tracy said he thought she was darker. I pointed out that her skin tone is naturally way darker than mine so I was a brighter true red... You guys can decide.
Tracy at the end. He finished in 40.37 143rd place over all and 14th in his age group. Not bad for his first run!!
This is my reward... virgin margarita!!!
3 days ago