Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Serena Ryder Concert

So as I've mentioned before my work frequently has concerts. We are partnered with Atlantic Records so any time one of their artist comes through town they try to make a stop at work. We've had Joey and Rory, Carolina Liar and most recently Serena Ryder. I had never heard of her but I thought she was amazing! She played 4 songs for us, in our break room and I just adored her!
Check our her songs on youtube. This one was my favorite:

But she also sang:
Sweeping the Ashes
Weak in the knees
and All for Love

Seriously I just thought she was so fun! She did it all acousic for us, no backup band and she had us all clapping and cheering along. That takes serious talent!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So I have some events coming up that will require me to have a very pretty dress. Ok really just one event, but I still want to look awesome! So I've been browsing online. I dont want to spend a ton of money and I want it to be functional as a church dress hopefully as well, so nothing TOO dressy.
Here a few that I've found that I really like so everyone voice your opinion!
P.S. Please keep in mind that I am quite a bit thinner than I am in the picture above!!! ;)









Thursday, January 7, 2010

weight loss

So I hopped on the scale this morning, and was very surprised with what I saw. I am now 6 pounds away from my goal. SIX. And while I feel better I'm not quite where I want to be. So I'm going to drop my goal weight just a little. (dont worry folks i'm not getting into the underweight category here) So 16 pounds to go! WOO HOOO! The thing that REALLY bothers me is I've lost 31 pounds now. 31 pounds but how many sizes have I lost??? Oh that would be 1!! ONE STINKING SIZE!! LAME! So thats partly why I decreased my goal weight. Gotta fit into all of my OLD clothes!