People who talk on their cell phones in a public restroom. Seriously. When did this become ok?? Its one thing if you are at home and can be discreet and not flush the toilet or something (which by the way I still dont do cause I think its gross,theres just something about doing your business while on the phone that squicks me out, however it is more acceptable than a public restroom)but to do it while at work is just nasty. Seriously. It makes things uncomfortable for everyone, including i'm sure the person on the other end of the phone who has to hear not only you, but everyone else that goes into the bathroom as well. Bathrooms echo people!
Slow Start
1 week ago
Not to mention, they're usually still chatting when they leave and DON'T wash up! Makes you never wanna borrow someone's cell phone again ever, right?
I am with you on this one. It drives me crazy
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