This is our 9th Valentine's day together. Nine. That seems like such a long time when you consider how old we are. I feel so blessed to have found the one I want to be with forever at such a young age. I know that we have good days and bad days and that just makes our relationship all the more special because we are willing to work to keep what we have. I've found everything I ever wanted in you. I know that I complain about you not being romantic sometimes, but I want you to know that, while I would love romance every once in a while, its not whats really important in our marriage. I love that you are a good dad to our girls and that they love you. I know that Kelcy will always be a daddy's girl. I love that you aren't afraid of hard work and you are going into the army knowing how hard it will be but also knowing its going to make our little family so much stronger for the future. I love the way we laugh at stupid movies and would rather hang out with each other than go clubbing or whatever else it is other young couples do. I love the way you kill spiders for me and laugh at how little they are. I love the way you support me no matter what I want to do. I love the way you play with the girls and make them laugh. I love that you frequently answer questions with 'your mom.' I love the way you are friends with everyone even if you dont like them. I love your willingness to help people push cars out of intersections or dig them out of snowbanks. I love that you let Kelcy watch Disney movies over and over and over again. I love that you let me go to bed early. I love the way your hugs make everything better. I love the way every once in a while you surprise me by making dinner or cleaning the front room. I love the way you let me decorate however I want even if its not your favorite. I love that you watch commentaries on DVD's. I love that you like learning new things. I love that you let me buy tv series on dvd even if you dont like the show. I love that you laugh at my obsession with tv shows from my childhood. I love that you frequently sing when coming in the door or getting out of the car. I guess most of all I just LOVE YOU! Happy Valentine's Day!
Slow Start
1 week ago
OH... SO SWEET!!!!!
You two are such a cute couple and complement each other so well! Happy Valentines Day!
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