Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 wish list

1- to become DEBT FREE. This is something we've been working on for a few years now and we are SOOOO CLOSE. If I get a job sooner rather than later it can definitely happen this year.

2- NOOOO this is not an announcement for me. But My favorite aunt, as well as one of my really good friends are pregnant and expecting in 2011. I wish for their babies to be happy and healthy and delightful. Especially my poor aunt who is pregnant with twin boys!( She's 41, 42 when she delivers and these are her first kiddos)

3- To lose weight! My weight has been fluctuating like mad this year and it's really bothering me. Tracys going on a hardcore diet in January so I'm hoping it helps me too.

4- To get my craft on. I got a sewing machine and a cricut this past month. I'm going to put those bad boys to work and make stuff! I dont know what yet but you can be sure I'll blog about it.

5-ADVENTURE- It doesnt have to be as awesome as Bill and Ted's but I want to do something fun this year.

6-The crafty will also get helped out when I save up enough money for this! I so love this camera and can't wait to see the awesome pictures I will take with it.

7- Friends- I want them all to be happy and get what they wish for too. I also want them to know I love them and am here for them no matter what.

8-Honesty. Sometimes I feel like I can be too honest with some people, but with other people I'm constantly blunting how I feel. I'm going to work on finding a happy medium. I also want everyone to be honest with me. I hate being lied to. HATE IT. I think its one of the worst betrayals. I'd rather you tell me the truth then lie to me and have me find out later. Especially if you are just lying to "spare my feelings" or whatever. Just spit it out. In the end I'll respect you for your honesty and we'll get along better anyways.

9- I dont know if I truly believe in this one anymore but I wish for it anyways. I wish it for all of you as well. This is not to say that I don't believe in happiness. I just dont know that the complete utter contentedness where everything is blissful exists. Happiness is fleeting and it is what you make of it. I do believe how you react to things impacts your feelings about them and with how emotional I always am, maybe its just me who struggles with happiness. I'm going to work on that in 2011

p.s.... does anyone else feel like this year passed REALLY quickly???

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Christmas is too exhausting for words. Naturally the batteries in my camera died on Christmas eve so Christmas morning I had to use my cell phone for all the present opening. I can't tell you how bugged that made me. Who forgets batteries at Christmas?? Oh yeah that would be me.

Maddies Dolphin Pillow Pet. She named him Aqua

Kelcys Unicorn Pillow Pet, She named her rainbow

The finished temple pic. I thought my Grandpa was going to cry. It was totally awesome.

Maddies Santa Presents

Kelcys Santa Presents- Her lalaloopsy is already MIA. We've called everywhere we went and searched the car. She might be gone forever. So awesome that I went to 6 stores to find her only to have her lost within 6 hours of opening.

My present. Cant wait til it works great! It keeps acting like it cant pull the thread and I think the needle threader is broken already so it might have to be exchanged or something. We shall see!
I hope you all had a great Christmas too!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

So this year, I had to bring a dessert to the Hieb Mansion for our annual Christmas party. Now normally, I'm not very adventurous and would have bought cookies or something. Not that I can't cook, just most of the time I choose not too because I hate how long everything takes. I'm all about instant gratification. However this year, I saw a recipe online and I couldnt stop thinking about it, so... I made it.
and it was AMAZING!!! It might have to be the new "Christmas dessert"

Recipe can be found here

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gingerbread Houses!

This is the first year that we've done gingerbread houses and I think it might become tradition. Although the girls are totally sneaking m&m's and skittles here and there...
we had a contest and I'm going to let you, my awesome readers,... all two of you.. decide who wins.
Team K- me and Kelcy

Team awesome- Tracy and Maddie

In progress:

The finished products:
Team Awesome:

Team K:

The yummy dessert to follow

Ok so just leave a comment and let me know who wins so I can give them a prize!! :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Whats On Kellee's Cell Phone

For your viewing pleasure... 5 random pictures and a video from my cell phone.

When you wrap EVERY single present you are giving out and stick them under your tree, your Christmas looks much more prosperous than it actually is. However, it also looks very festive.

Madison's awesome new day bed. Courtesy of my little sister. She loves it, I love it, and it was free. BONUS! Madison is obviously doing her fake smile in this picture.

Kelcys new pet rat, Pepper. Her rat Rita died a few months ago, and I'm a sucker, so she has this lovely new pet. She was really skittish at first but she's mellowed out considerably.

Scabby, Kelcy, Maddie and Nana- Best Cousins!

I really adore this bedding. Tracy is getting me a sewing machine for Christmas (I don't know which one or anything like that but I specifically asked for one so I know I'm getting it. Kelcy wanted to get me one that changes colors, but I don't think they found one that does that,) so I might have to make new bedding or something to customize my bedroom exactly how I want it. Although that usually changes every two months. I'm very indecisive. Or I just like a lot of things. I haven't made up my mind yet. ;)

Yes my children are delightful. Kelcy's face in this video cracks me up.

P.S. If you google image search for lalaloopsy, my blog is the number one result! How cool is that!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My husband the artist

I'm sure most of you know that my husband is an Visual Art and Design major at SLCC. He took a watercolor class this semester and this was his final. We're going to frame it and give it to my grandparents I think. I am debating on keeping it because of its awesomeness. Please excuse the cell phone picture. I had to snap it while it was drying still. His teacher is currently still grading it but was very complimentary and even used it to give pointers to an advanced watercolor student.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Christmas Tree

Ok so the very first year Tracy and I were married he had a part-time job at target. It was awesome because we decided we wanted to buy an artificial Christmas tree and we got a discount on one. I love that tree. It's gorgeous, it always looks great and its easy to take up and put down, although time consuming because I am a fluffer. This year when Tracy pulled it out of our storage unit one of the legs was missing. We've searched and searched and we can't find it.
What's a poor (literally) girl to do??
I went to walmart and bought the cheapest artificial tree they had. It was 38 dollars and it was prelit. Now I'm one of those people that thinks the more lights the better, so I was fully anticipating putting more lights on the prelit tree. However, when I got it home, at midnight, I just wanted to decorate it and be done. The front room was covered with Christmas boxes from storage and I just wanted them all to be put back away. So I set the tree up and decorated it with our new decorations. We actually bought the purple and pink ones, and the garland, a few years ago after Christmas for like 90% off, I just never wanted to use them because I liked our snowman tree and then our black and white tree. But this year I decided to go for it.

I love the garland! By far my favorite part of the tree this year. I also love my little penguin that sits on a sleigh under the tree. The only presents under it are for the girls so far. Those are from mom and dad. The rest are going to be from santa!
I was able to snag two Lalaloopsy dolls today at toys r us (my sixth store and second toys r us)It's all Madison asked for specifically so I had to get it for her.

Kelcy wanted one too but she was much more flexible on which one, so LUCKILY the toys r us had the exact one that Maddie wanted and another very cute one! I'm super excited.

I dont know what I'm going to do when Kelcy starts reading my blog...


I really wish that I had more to talk about lately, but really all I've done is job hunt, interview, be denied and then clean. I suppose I could post pictures of our Christmas tree because that's the only new thing lately!
I revamped my resume at the suggestion of the lovely people at workforce services so hopefully that helps. Also they helped me work out some good answers to the "Why did you leave your lost job" question.
Being fired for no reason really has its disadvantages!
Cross your fingers for me!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kelcy is freaking hilarious!!!

So now that I'm unemployed I seem to spend a large portion of my day aimlessly browsing the internet. Let me just tell you the internet is NOT big enough to keep me entertained. However, while browsing Regretsy today I came across this.

Tracy was on his break from work and we both sat there and laughed for a few minutes at the shear ridiculousness of this. Seriously. So after we stopped laughing I ask out loud, "What do you even do with this??"
and Kelcy looked at it and goes: "Throw it in the dumpster."
P.S. I am in no way dissing Etsy. Etsy is amazing and there are some SERIOUSLY talented people selling their handmade goods and art.
However, there is a lot of random crap on there too. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hieb Look-alike Meter

So I posted Kelcys kindergarten pics on facebook and lots of people have been saying she is a mini me. This is confusing to me because i've always thought that Kelcy looks way more like Tracy. Actually I think both my girls look more like him. So I decided to settle the debate... and according to my heritage... I am wrong! lol
she looks more like me by 8%... go figure.

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family heritage - Family genealogy

P.S. I had so much fun with kelcys I decided to do one for Madison as well... it said she looks equally like Mom and Dad.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stress and Distractions

So my stress level lately has been at an all time high. Why?
I got fired.
That's right. Fired. Laid off, let go, terminated... however you say it, it only means one thing. I'm unemployed.
Do you know what that means??
No money.
Christmas is coming. We now have no health insurance (this is very very temporary problem but still)
I'm seriously freaking out.
Unemployment only goes so far (pray that it gets approved PLEASE!!)
I have an interview lined up and am submitting resumes every day but seriously, sooooo stressed. Can't even tell you how stressed.
So in addition to job hunting,I've been filling my days with distractions including cleaning (i need to do this even more still!), reading, playing with my girls, working out and doing "fun" cheap things.
We went to the pumpkin patch:

We took the girls to see Toy Story 3 at the dollar movies. And as part of an assignment for Tracys art class, we went to the Utah Museum of Fine Art

All of these pics were taken with permission from the museum and they were all flash free.
It only cost us $7.00 to go the museum and we took the girls too. Totally a good deal! Tracy and I could have spent hours and hours in the museum and had an awesome date, but since we took the girls we were only there about an hour and a half.
Anyways, if anyone hears of a totally awesome job... Hook a friend up!