I'm borrowing this idea from another blog I read because I think its fun. The hard part is going to be deciding on what random memory to post! I think I'll start with Tracys first memory of me.
Tracy lived in the Fox Point neighborhood, which was adjacent to my Greenbriar neighborhood. My best friend Brittney lived just around the corner and down the street from me so we would often walk to church together. The church was in Fox Point and we would always walk right past Tracys house. We werent in the same ward but we were in the same building. Anyways Brittney had brought a book that I wanted to borrow from her. I cant remember the name of the book at the moment but it was yellow. Anyway.. After church we started to walk home, and for some reason I thought it would be better to walk with the book on my head rather than holding it like a normal person. I took off my shoes to have a smoother walk and we were on our way. I remember Brittney kept looking at me like I was insane but I thought it was hilarious that I was walking through this neighborhood with my scriptures in one hand, my shoes in the other and a book on my head. When we got to Tracy's house I remember he was outside playing basketball with his dad, he'd skipped church that day... SINNER!! And he had the ball and was ready to take a shot but when he saw us coming he just stood there and stared at us and started laughing. We smiled and waved and kept walking down to the end of the block when a gust of wind knocked the book off my head. I was so sad because I'd made it a little more than half way home with it not falling off and then the stupid wind kicked up and ruined my amazing feat of posture. Tracy always says thats his first memory of me, not meeting me through other friends or at school or anything but me being a dork walking past his house one day on my way home from church.
Gigs For President
1 week ago
You are Soo weird! This is a good idea though. Im not sure if I could do it though. lol
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